This week I completed 3 AoBR dreads and a librarian. I chose the AoBR dreads since they come with Melta arms. It was easy to cut off the storm bolter and glue on the tip of a tactical marine standard flamer. Turns out a tooth pick is the exact same size as one of the flamer barrels which allowed me to make it look like more of a natural fit. I added my usual scales to taste.
I wanted a base librarian for lower point games plus a certain 40k event at GenCon this year. He is the base fig, plus the usual custom shoulderpad and cloak. I didn't like the hand holding book look, so I gave him a bolter arm from a tactical marine box set.
Total paint time was 8 hours (over three days) to do all of the green armor and highlighting, and one solid 8 hour day (Nice to get July 3rd off) to paint up everything else.
Can't wait to put these guys into some drop pods.
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